Monday, November 8, 2010

Dear John

Last week, my friend loaned me a DVD biography of Greta Garbo. There were numerous mentions of her favorite leading man, John Gilbert. I only knew the basics about him, such as he was known as the screen's Greatest Lover and that supposedly his career fizzled out when talkies made the scene. He actually had a beautiful speaking voice, but the long standing rumor of Louis B. Mayer's involvement in John's withdrawal from films is still around. I must do more research.

I was riding the T (subway) the other day, a young man boarded and he looked exactly like John Gilbert!! He seemed to be around 25, and had on a lovely navy blue three piece suit and had the perfect sculpted fudge brown hair and mustache. The same strong jaw, slightly peaked ears, strong patrician nose. I stared. A lot. He had that standout panache that many men, especially young men, fail to achieve. If it wasn't so crowded, I would have made my way over to him and asked for a picture for the blog. (I have no shame.)

Here are a few swoon worthy photos of Dear John...


Rachel said...

John Gilbert is one of my favorites! You must read his daughter's biography of him, It's called "Dark Star" and his daughter's name is Leatrice Fountain. She explains alot more about his problems with Mayer and how Mayer ruined his career. The book is a wonderful tribute to John Gilbert.

smatterings said...

I love the second photo! I don't blame garbo at all :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rachel! I will check that out. Just got a new library card!!

Vagabond~ yes, I can see why she always chose him as her leading man! ha

Pharaoh Kingsley said...

John Gilbert admired Charlie Chaplin, another great silent star who made few talkies.